This three-day multi-stakeholder forum convenes leaders and innovators in the field of responsible sourcing to share and critically analyze current practices and models to address labour exploitation and human trafficking in global supply chains. We have cancelled the November 2020 Issara Global Forum in Bangkok due to COVID but hope to see you there in November 2021! Here's what you can expect:
New themes and more leadership from workers. The Issara Global Forum’s 3 daily themes are (1) partnerships, (2) worker voice and technology, and (3) ethical recruitment:
Day 1: Leading with worker voices. Key reflections, priorities, and lessons learned in human rights and responsible sourcing
Day 2: Leading with data. Making the business case for ethical supply chains
Day 3: Ethical recruitment in global supply chains. Emerging models and lessons learned
The key themes for Day 1 are determined by workers and trafficking survivors currently engaged in a consultative process, toward thought-provoking conversations, presentations, and workshops designed for participation by a broad multi-stakeholder group.
Day 2 is a day of focus on innovation. Last November, we shifted some of our innovation energies to a focus on evidence for a business case for ethical supply chains. Is there an emerging business case for ethical sourcing? For ethical recruitment? If so, what does the evidence look like, and if not, how should the costs of ethical sourcing and recruitment be distributed? We'll let the evidence and worker voice guide us on key themes for Day 2, November 2021 as the year unfolds.
Day 3 is focused on the mechanics of ethical recruitment (including but not always limited to employer pays labour recruitment). Are you working on ethical recruitment and want to share your model and lessons learned with an engaged, diverse group of business and human rights stakeholders including global brands and retailers, suppliers, recruiters, workers, government representatives, academics, and donors? If so, please reach out to the Issara Global Forum team at globalforum@issarainstitute.org.
New formats and approaches. We integrate workshops and small-group deep-dives with larger plenary sessions, and aim to cultivate a learning and exchanging atmosphere. Do you have an idea for a workshop, seminar, or multimedia presentation of 45-90 minutes that fits the themes of the Issara Global Forum that you would like to organize, or to suggest/request? If so, please reach out to our team to discuss at globalforum@issarainstitute.org
The Issara Global Forum facilitates exchange and learning on cutting edge good practice and innovation in human rights and responsible sourcing worldwide, including the critical, diverse on-the-ground perspectives that are sometimes lacking in global events of this nature - for example from recruitment agencies, suppliers, and workers. The attendees who are learning, sharing, analyzing, and networking are supply chain and responsible sourcing business leaders, labour rights and human trafficking experts, technology innovators, academics, migrant workers and trafficking survivors, trade unions, and NGOs.