building business and human rights brand and operations across supply chains
Our training programs, workshops, and webinars provide insights on the cutting edge in business and human rights. With unique perspectives on real experiences of workers, suppliers, and recruiters in key global supply chains, we present and analyze emerging good practice, help participants to self-reflect on how to improve management systems and performance, convey the latest realities from the ground, and aim to be a forum for networking and building relationships within the growing business and human rights community.
Responsible sourcing and ethical recruitment are in increasingly higher demand from global brands and retailers. Issara Academy's comprehensive programs have been designed for all levels of buyer, supplier, and recruiter management and operations, from informing buyers' sourcing and ethical trade teams on trends and risks, to training supplier MDs, HR staff, and line supervisors on operational best practice.
We draw upon trends and data that are the most up to date, leveraging worker voice and experience from thousands of workers and jobseekers, and understanding the current realities that businesses are facing. Our insights and training modules are topical, timely, and evidence-based - ensuring that participants receive information tailored to their business industry and geography.
Beginning in June 2020, Issara Academy will offer regular webinars - open to all stakeholders in the business and human rights space - aimed at providing data, trends and insights on human rights and responsible recruitment in global supply chains, to drive critical conversations and learning exchange globally. These webinars will draw upon learning from our workshops, as well as ground-truthed trends in working conditions that are informed and validated by workers. We aim to mix insights from Issara’s experience with those of partners, stakeholders and peer organisations.

Business and human rights
Ethical recruitment
Strengthening grievance mechanisms
Worker voice and worker safeguards
Laws, policies, and processes related to migrant labour recruitment
Rights of national and foreign workers under national law and bilateral policies
Employer-employee relations and communications
Common labour law violations in Thailand and how to avoid them
And much more!
THAILAND: Trainings offered every other month, alternating between Bangkok and the provinces.
CAMBODIA: Trainings offered quarterly, in Phnom Penh.
MYANMAR: Trainings offered quarterly, in Yangon.
MALAYSIA: Trainings offered quarterly, alternating between Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru.
GLOBAL: Webinars offered monthly - most are public and geared toward a multi-stakeholder audience; some are invitation-only for Issara Strategic Partners.
Upcoming events
- Currently online by invitationIn-person and online training for employers and recruitment agencies
- Currently online by invitationIn-person and online training for employers and recruitment agencies