Amber Ehrke

Empowerment Program Manager at Issara Institute
As Empowerment Program Manager, Ana works closely with Issara's Outreach & Empowerment teams in Thailand and Myanmar approaches to empower jobseekers and civil society.
Ana Maria Soto Bernal

Senior Manager of Sustainability, Walmart
Marife has more than 15 years of experience in Responsible Sourcing, including leading operations teams in Asia and engagement with global stakeholders
Marife Casem

Ocean Mind
Natalie Tellwright

President and Chairman (Founder) of the Confederation of Trade Union Myanmar (CTUM)
Maung Maung is recognized by trade unions and human rights advocates throughout the world as the foremost expert and authority on labor rights in Burma.
Maung Maung

Assistant Vice President - Human Resources, Betagro
Thanat Rakpetch is responsible for HR-Business Partner of Livestock Business, Industrial relations including labor laws, labor standards and Migrant Worker Management.
Thanat Rakpetch

Human Rights and Engagement Asia Lead, Apple
Kitty is with the Apple Supplier Responsibility Team. Based in Shanghai, China, she is responsible for stakeholder engagement and communications in JAPAC.
Kitty Potter

Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights - CENTRAL
We are waiting for the information
Dy Thehoya

Myanmar Country Director, Issara Institute
Chaw Chaw is responsible for the strategy and direction of Issara's Myanmar country operations. She has been engaged in the fight against human trafficking since 2001.
Daw Ohnmar Ei Ei Chaw

Head of Labour Rights Programme, C&A Foundation
Jill’s 20 years of work on labour rights issues with Reebok International Ltd., the ILO, and C&A Foundation, have convinced her that we cannot rely on voluntary initiatives and incremental change to meet the needs of workers and the environment.
Jill Tucker

Communications Director at Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc. (CDM)
As communications director at CDM, Evy Peña leads the organization's transnational strategy to ensure migrant workers' voices and experiences shape the narrative around labor migration.
Evy Peña

Managing Director, International Focus Overseas Recruitment
He has experiences sending workers to Malaysia and
Thailand since the agency has got the license in 2012
and making continuous effort as ethical recruitment
agencies since 2016.
Htun Min Latt

General Manager, Syarikat Sin Kwang Plastics. Sdn Bhd
Mr. Kok has over 25 years working experience in the Electronics & Manufacturing Industry.
Mr. Kok Fuh Keong

Director, Strategy and Global Partnerships, Issara Institute
Mark's background in business consulting/investment and work with supply chains and private sector development initiatives in Asia is shaping the direction of Issara’s business analytics and sustainability initiatives.
Mark Taylor

TMCL Management Company
Pathompongs Apiakkaratanavich

Consumer Goods Forum - CGF and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil - RSPO
Didier Bergeret

Executive Director, Assoication for Labour and Development (ALD)
She is also expert of labour law (in Myanmar) and providing labour rights training around the country. She is a very active member of Women Network as GEN, WON and also political association as 88 Peace and Open Society Association.
Daw Mar Mar Oo

General Secretary, South Asian Regional Trade Union Council (SARTUC)
Mr. Basnet formally started his political career as an activist for Nepali Congress in 1967. He joined trade union movement after the re-establishment of NTUC in 1990 as its President and served till 2013.
Mr. Laxman Basnet

Global Director for Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, Thai Union
She developed Thai Union’s award winning sustainability strategy SeaChange, an integrated series of programs covering human rights, responsible sourcing, operations and communities.
Darian McBain

Myanmar Ministry of Labor, Immigration and
U Myo Aung

Legal Support for Children and Women - LSCW
Mom Sokchar

Tyler Esch

Labour Specialist, Department of Employment (DOE)
Labour Specialist, Professional Level, Chief of the Committee on Foreign Worker and Human Trafficking, Policies and Management Section, Foreign Workers Administration Office.
Mr. Amnaj Sangsrikaew

Fellow at Open Society Foundations
Bama Athreya has more than twenty years’ experience on international labor issues, gender and social inclusion, and business and human rights. She is currently a Fellow at Open Society Foundations and an advisor to C&A Foundation.
Dr. Bama Athreya

Joint General Secretary (2), Myanmar Overseas Employment Agencies Federation
Mr. Maung Maung Zaw Min is currently holding the
position as a Joint General Secretary (2) of MOEAF
and also as a Managing Director of Myanmar
recruitment agency, Rakhita Co., Ltd..
Mr. Maung Maung Zaw Min
Labour Rights Team, C&A Foundation
Olivia Windham Stewart is on the labour rights team at C&A Foundation, where she manages a range of grants in the EU and Asia, including the Foundation’s partnership with Issara.
Olivia Windham-Stewart

Founder and Chairman of Ratana Mahal Education Care Group
Mr. Kyaw Than Tun is an experienced person in the areas of child protection, education system reform, human Trafficking and safe migration for more than one decade.
Kyaw Than Tun

General Secretary, Myanmar Overseas Employment Agency Federation - MOEAF
Kaung Myat San Thu, sending workers to Thailand and Malaysia, and has been trying to fight for employers pay policy and ethical recruitment process.
Mr. Myat Thu

Human Resources Manager, Castle Peak Holding Public Company Limited
Ms.Narisra Subkum responsibilities main responsibilities include controlling and monitoring the recruitment of the staff, training, payroll, welfare, employer-employee relation, as well as a system controlling.
Ms.Narisra Subkum

Senior Program Director - Human Rights, Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
David Schilling joined the staff at the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) in 1994 and works with ICCR members and allies to engage corporations, cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder initiatives on human rights in corporate operations and supply chains.
Rev. David Schilling

Maurice F. Strong Career Development Professor and an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at MIT.
Her research examines the design of operational strategies, technological innovations and algorithms to advance social and environmental impact in informal, first-mile and global supply chains. Her most recent work focuseses on improving the operations of informal supply chains.
Prof. Joann de Zegher

Chief of Staff and Director of Engagement at Fair Labour Association
Shelly Heald Han is a senior business and human rights advocate who has worked in the private sector, the government, and for non-profits in the U.S. and internationally. Her experience encompasses human rights, trade policy, international relations, government relations, public policy, public affairs.
Shelly Heald Han

Director of Sustainability, Seafresh Group
Dr. Gautier is Director of Sustainability, Seafresh Group of companies, where he is responsible for assuring that aquaculture and fisheries supply chains are in compliance.
Dr. Dominique Gautier

Senior Advisor, Ethical Supply Chains, Issara Institute
With a wealth of corporate sourcing and ethical trading experience, Tim focuses on building business partnerships for more ethical supply chains.
Tim Pilch

Regional Director - Asia, Issara Institute
Jarrett’s years of experience as a technical specialist and country director are invaluable as he supports the maturation of Issara’s Thailand country operations, and expansion of Issara’s work into new Southeast Asian countries.
Jarrett Basedow

Kellogg Company
Sarah Smith

Executive advisor to the Association of Cambodian Recruitment Agencies (ACRA)
Kakada has the pool of experiences with more than 10 years on the labour and Industrial Relation thought his work as the former executive director of Cambodia employers federation as well as the board and members of many committees.
Engkakada Danh

Responsible Sourcing Manager, Tesco
Rachel Munns is Responsible Sourcing Manager at Tesco. Looking across their global food business, she supports the development and delivery of Tesco’s Human Right’s strategy – leading their work on Forced Labour.
Rachel Munns

Senior Public Affairs Manager, Nestle
Yann Wyss is a Senior Public Affairs Manager at Nestlé, in charge of social and environmental impact. He joined Nestlé in 2011 from the International Finance Corporation (IFC, World Bank Group) where he participated in the development of the IFC Performance Standards and advised IFC clients on ESG issues.
Yann Wyss

Project Manager, WageIndicator Foundation
Nadia Pralitasari has been working 7 years for WageIndicator Foundation in Indonesia where she serves as a project manager.
Nadia Pralitasari

Assistant Director, Department of Labor, Ministry of Labor, Immigration and Population
Daw Theingi Swe

Patana Bhandhufalck, Thai Ministry of Labor
Deputy Permanent Secretary

Independent / Issara Board of Directors
Mike Dottridge

Founder and Executive Director, Issara Institute