2018 agenda AND NOTES
8:15 AM Registration opens
9:00 AM Welcome and Goals for Day 1
9:10 AM Opening scene-setters and keynotes: What has been achieved in the past year, globally and locally?
Introductory perspectives from migrant workers and trafficked persons
Welcome from government representatives: HE Vivathana Thanghong, Director General, Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, Thailand Ministry of Labour; and, HE U Myo Aung, Permanent Secretary, Myanmar Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population
9:45 AM Global buyer perspectives: Key achievements and challenges in ethical supply chain governance in the past year
​Moderator: David Schilling (Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility)
Dr. Isabelle Aelvoet (Mars Petcare), Tim Pilch (Pentland Brands), Dr. Dominique Gautier (Seafresh Group), and Clare Clifton (World Wise Foods)
10:45 AM Break and networking​
11:00 AM Expert intensive primer: Differences between local laws and international codes of conduct related to labour standards in Southeast Asia, and implications on the behaviour of local suppliers and recruiters
Presenters: Jittrinee Kaeojinda and Panupan Sompong (Issara Institute)
11:30 AM Supplier and recruiter perspectives: How are new laws, buyer codes of conduct, audits, and NGO interventions incentivizing or disincentivizing ethical behaviour?
Moderator: Dr. Katharine Jones (Coventry University)
Tanat Rakpetch (Betagro), Kyaw Soe Naing (Aye Lin Let Htut), and Myat Thu (Myanmar Overseas Recruitment Agency Federation)
1:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Worker and advocate perspectives: How can/should business share responsibility with the State to protect human and labour rights, in concrete terms?
Moderator: Aaron Halegua (NYU School of Law)
U Maung Maung (Confederation of Trade Unions Myanmar); Phil Robertson (Human Rights Watch); Art Prapha (Oxfam); Daw Moe Moe Latt (worker representative)
3:15 PM Break and networking
3:45 PM Team breakout discussions and report-back
5:00 PM Day 1 closing and hosted happy hour reception
8:00 AM Optional breakfast: How can technology address environmental and social objectives together to drive more responsible sourcing?​
Iain Hayes (Integrated Monitoring) and Matt Dallas (Issara Institute) - Worker voice and supply chain traceability at sea
Cora Sorenson (FishWise) - Roadmap for social responsibility in seafood
Dr. Kohl Gill (Labor Voices) - Assessing labour and environmental conditions through feedback from workers
9:30 AM Welcome and recap of Day 1, Goals for Day 2
9:45 AM Expert intensive primer: Key findings from global studies of migrant worker-oriented technology
Aaron Halegua (NYU School of Law) and Dr. Lisa Rende Taylor (Issara Institute)
10:15 AM Break and networking
10:30 AM Worker voices: Worker power and security in dispersed global supply chains
Thet Thet Aung (Future Light Centre), Ko Thar Kyaw (SAFWA), Nay Win Aung (worker representative), and Myo Thant (worker representative)
11:00 AM Multi-stakeholder perspectives: Who is responsible for what happens with worker-sourced data, and why do we need to talk about it?
Moderator: Dr. Mark Latonero (NYU Center for Data and Society)
Dr. Katharine Jones (Coventry University), Rev. David Schilling (Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility), and Philippa Parmar (Open Society Foundations)
12:00 PM Lunch​
1:00 PM Supplier and recruiter perspectives: Integrating tech and worker voices into strengthened labour recruitment and management systems
Moderator: Phil Marshall (Research Communications Group)
Dr. Dominique Gautier (Seafresh Group), Alisa Phurkwattanagul (Marine Gold), Tun Min Latt (International Focus), Robert Zaw Myo Myint (Royal Gate)
2:15 PM Practitioner/innovator vision pitches. Where do data and technology need to be in the future to make worker lives better? (5 minutes each)
Moderator: Matt Dallas (Issara Institute)
Presenters from a range of organizations and firms creating technologies that interface with workers, including Sarah Washburn (Caravan Studios / Tech Soup), Evy Pena (Centro de los Direchos del Migrante), Ka Ea Lim (Responsible Business Alliance), Dr. Lisa Rende Taylor (Issara Institute), Dr. Kohl Gill (Labor Voices), Ram Chandra Giri (Muglan), and Emmanuelle Bourgois (FairAgora)
3:15 PM Afternoon marketplace. New technologies and programs that are making workers' lives better
Moderator: Technology demo booths with tech panel participants, set up with coffee and networking
4:15 PM Breakout work / town hall discussion
5:00 PM Day 2 closing
9:15 AM Welcome and recap of Day 2, Goals for Day 3
9:30 AM Expert intensive primer: Emerging patterns, trends, and responses in labour recruitment in Southeast Asia
Phil Marshall (Research Communications Group) and Mark Taylor (Issara Institute)
10:15 AM Break and networking
10:45 AM Deconstructing success stories: Implementation and validation of no-fees and employer-pays labour recruitment models in Southeast Asia
Moderator: Mark Taylor (Issara Institute)
Speakers: Kyaw Soe Naing (Aye Lin Let Htut), Tun Min Latt (International Focus), Emily Kunen (Nestle), Tim Pilch (Pentland Brands) and Pan Ei Hlaing (worker representative)
11:30 AM Recruitment agency perspectives: Employer pays principle and operating in an environment where fee and safeguard requirements vary significantly by customer, industry, and destination country
Moderator: Ohnmar Ei Ei Chaw (Issara Institute)
Speakers: Myat Thu (Myanmar Overseas Employment Agency Federation), Su Su Mon (Saint Arkar), U Kyaw Zaw (Libra Life), and Aung Ko Ko (International Focus)
12:15 PM Lunch
1:15 PM Practitioner/innovator perspectives: First-mile labour recruitment risks and responses
Moderator: Mike Dottridge (Independent)
Evy Pena (Centro de los Direchos del Migrante), Myat Thu (Myanmar Overseas Employment Agency Federation), Sister Rebecca Kay Thi Oo (Good Shepherd Myanmar Foundation), U Kyaw Than Tun (Ratanamahal)
2:00 PM Practitioner/innovator perspectives: Tackling exploitative recruitment globally
Moderator: Dr. Katharine Jones (Coventry University)
David Schilling (Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility), Neill Wilkins (Institute for Human Rights and Business), Mark Taylor (Issara Institute)
3:15 PM Break and networking
3:30 PM Global perspectives: How are global buyers implementing their commitments to ethical recruitment in their supply chains, and what roles could be played by the development sector?
Moderator: Dr. Lisa Rende Taylor (Issara Institute)
Emily Kunen (Nestle), Tim Pilch (Pentland Brands), and Dr. Dominique Gautier (Seafresh Group)
4:30 PM Wrap-up
5:00 PM Wrap-up and closing remarks
*The agenda will be updated with speakers and moderators as they are confirmed.